Madou Toastmaster

If you are interested in practicing English in an immersed environment,
you are definately welcome to join us.


Thursday 21 October 2010

34th meeting on October 26

Here are the results from the meeting on October 26.

Chin-chi was the best table topic speaker and the best evaluator.

Eddy was the best speaker.

Jim Hu received his Competant Communicator Award (CC).

Dear Madou Toastmasters.

We will have our 34th meeting on Tuesday October 26th at 7:00 in room A317. Please check the agenda to see if you have any responsibilities.

If there are any responsibilities that you cannot fulfill, please contact Heinzel Kunsmann 0919-160761 .

If you are the toastmaster please contact the speakers to make sure they are prepared.

If you are the general evaluator please contact the evaluators to make sure they are prepared.

By the way, don't forget to bring your manuals to the meeting, and if the speaker has already prepared their speech, please e-mail the draft to the evaluator.

34th Meeting Agenda

Thursday 7 October 2010

33rd meeting on October 12

Dear Madou Toastmasters.

We will have our 33rd meeting on October 12, also it is the first meeting of this semester. Please check the agenda to see if you have any responsibilities.

If there are any responsibilities that you cannot fulfill, please contact Heinzel Kunsmann 0919-160761 .
If you are the toastmaster please contact the speakers to make sure they are prepared.
If you are the general evaluator please contact the evaluators to make sure they are prepared.

By the way, if speaker has already prepared for the speech, please e-mail your draft to your evaluator.
Agenda no. 33